Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Budget Cuts in Texas Education" reaction

My classmate, Caitlin,  made some excellent points in her discussion on the widespread and overt budget cuts occurring in the public education system in Texas in her blog  'Deep in the Heart of Texas'. I loved that she made several concrete suggestions of alternative methods our school system can save and budget money in order to keep the budget cuts from destroying several assets to our public school system. I think these suggestions, along with others should be seriously taken into consideration by our government as ways to save money without cutting entire departments.
I also think that some of our schools need to be examined to see how their money is truly being spent. The disparities between schools serving different socioeconomic groups are huge and unfair. Schools where booster clubs and parents are providing more than enough money should divert their government funding to underprivileged schools who's parent populations are not financially able to support their schools as well.
I thought her points on the negative affects this will have on future teachers were interesting as well. I'm not sure that there is evidence to support this deterring those who want to be teachers pursuing that career. I am personally pursuing a career in Special Education and while I have been appalled at the budget cuts and the low value our state is showing that it places on education, I have not felt that there was any pressure to seek out a different career due to these cuts.
These budget cuts are affecting each and every one of us, as we are all currently students and are undoubtedly connected with someone being served by the public education system in Texas. We must realize the negative impact these budget cuts are having and respond accordingly, like Caitlin, by providing our concrete ideas and opinions on how to redirect these budget cuts so that our students are afforded every possible opportunity.

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